Friday, April 30, 2010

Depression and Homeopathy

Depression is a feeling of intense sadness that persists beyond a reasonable period of time, and is limiting the person’s ability to function normally on a daily basis. It can be characterized by a ‘sense of hopelessness’. (Louise Hay sees depression as ‘Anger you feel you do not have a right to have’). Depression may be triggered as a reaction to psychological or physical abuse.

We should be clear that sadness and joy are part of every day life, (and are different from severe depression and mania). Sadness is a natural response to loss, defeat, disappointment, trauma, and catastrophes. Sadness has many psychological benefits because it allows a person to withdraw from stressful upsetting situations to begin healing and recovery. Grief or bereavement are the most common and normal reactions to the loss of a loved one from death, divorce, rejection, abandonment, betrayal.

If this process is assumed to be wrong and therefore needs to be suppressed by drugs (often the busy GP’s answer) it can lead to depression being driven deeper into a chronic state. The process of healing becomes stuck, with all the added problems of drug side effects.

Homeopathy has many remedies that not only allows clients to process the trauma, but at the same time heal, feel and move through the process of depression.

It is important to consult your practical homeopath who will take your case history using a ‘time line’ to understand the context for your depression (they may have to start a weaning program if you have been a long term user of anti- depressants) whilst they use indicated remedies to support you to heal emotionally.

If you have not been on anti-depressants then dealing with depression homeopathically produces excellent results. Homeopathy provides a safe gentle, non addictive alternative to anti-depression drug therapy.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Menstrual Disorders and Mental Weakness

 Mental Weakness

                             Weakness of memory attended with nervous debility

and spermatorrhoea are radically cured by Aswagandha Q, and Avena

sativa Q, 2 doses each in 5 drop doses. Abstain from coition till radical

cure is gained.

Menstrual Disorders

                                Asoka Q--- Is a specific remedy.

                               Senecio Q, 1x--- Should be alternated with Asoka Q.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hysteria, Hydrophobia and High blood pressure

                 Occasional fainting and semi-unconciousness.

Comfhor Q--- Let the patient smell it to arouse from swoon.
Passiflora incarnata Q--- To induce sleep.
Moschus Q--- A general remedy.
Hydrocyanic acid Q--- With convulsions and long gasping.

                      Terrified at the sight of water or shining things after bite of mad dog or jackal.

Echinacea Q--- Is a specific remedy.

High blood pressure

Ranwolfia serpentina Q, 1x--- A specific remedy.
Nux vom 1x--- In dyspeptics.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Piles, Bleeding from Lungs, Beri-beri, Bubo

Bleeding piles
                       Discharge of blood during or after stool with or without pain etc.
Blumia odorata Q, 1x--- Specific remedy.

Bleeding from Lungs
                                 Acalyapha indica Q, 1x--- haemorrhage of bright red blood in the morning and that of dark, clotted blood in the after noon with incessant cough at night.

Hamamelis Q--- Venous blood of dark colour.

Justicia rubrum Q, 1x--- Bleeding from lungs with paroxysms of cough in pthisical subjects.

Cyndon dactylon Q, 1x--- Alternate this with Geranium mac Q in all cases.

               Dropsical effusion in lower extremities,weakness etc.

Lathyrus Q, 1x--- To be alternated with China in all cases.

              Bufo rana Q, 1x

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Impotency and weakness of memory cure

Impotency is a male sexual disorder whereby a male can not maintain an erection of penis during copulation.
Loss of power of sexual intercourse.---

Avena sativa Q, Ashwagandha Q, Damiana Q.---
One dose each in 5 drop doses cures impotency, spermatorrhoea and nervous debility.

Avena sativa Q--------

It is very useful in weakness of memory and inability to fix his attention on any subject while thinking or reading with mental, nervous and physical debility due to excessive indulgence in onanism and masturbation. In such cases specially in students and mental workers of modern age, mix Avena sativa, Ashwagandha and Damiana all in Q dilution, each 2 drops in an ounce of cool water and use thrice daily for a month or more and abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 2 months and see miracles of these drugs.

Dr. Dheerendra Singh

Homeopathic secret cure for Hair loss

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Homeopathic treatment for Asthma, Acne, Anaemia, Apoplexy


Dyspnoea, difficulty in breathing associated with cardiac, bronchial or digestive affections.

Blatta orientalis Q ---During paroxysm and 3x in the interval in corpulent subjects of malarial origin.

Passiflora incarnata Q---1 dr. in paroxysm, one dose.

Cannabis sativa Q---Can breathe only when standing.

Makaradhwaj Q --- Specially when the heart is weak or affected.


Small pimpales on face with or without pain.

Nux juglans Q --- In young girls.

Kali brom 3x --- General medicine.


Loss of blood with pale or waxy complexion of face.

Ferrum phos 2x
May be assisted by Cale phos and Natrum mur in chlorotic school girls.


Rush of blood to the head with loss of consciousness and impearment of nerves.

Laurocerasus Q, 1x --- Specific remedy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Homeopathic treatment for Abortion

This blog is some labour of many year's research, experiments and experience of Homeopathic Mother Tincture Therapy.

Haemorrhage from the womb in early months. Premature delivery of adead child in later months is called miscarriage.

Blumia odorata 2, 1x - Bleeding from uterus in gushes during or after abortion when all other remedies have faild.

Cimicifuga Q - To ensure the birth of alive child in expectant mothers who are disappointed due to delivering of dead children. 5 drops thrice daily since fifth month.

Helonias Q - Abortion with excessive bleeding and sensation of presence of uterus with weak womb.

Trillium 1x - Specific remedy.


Monday, April 12, 2010

What is Homeopathy?

Dear friends..
Homeopathy is a therapeutic art of cure based on nature’s fundamental laws brought in to practice to heal the sick patients by its holistic touch. It is the most gentle and harmless way of curing the disease permanently.